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Letter from the Chief Organizer

Dear debaters,

It is my absolute honor to bring to you the first edition of TISB Debate. TISB's previous debating endeavours have been incredible and filled with national debaters (and a WSDC Best Speaker). Having continuously contributed to the Indian debating circuit, we now look to contribute in another way. As one of India's top 3 schools in debate - we find it our responsibility to provide a platform for all students to expose themselves to the unscalable realm of debate in February.

Debate has countless benefits. Not only does it test your critical thinking and argumentation skills, it also challenges you beyond just a mental level. Communication skills - vital in this modern world - are embedded in debaters. I've been in situations where only my negotiation, persuasion and communication helped me, and it would be wrong for me to not present an opportunity to all debaters to similarly develop these skills. Debate builds teamwork, leadership and confidence and I hope every debater takes something away from the conference. Remember, awards aren't as important as your own personal growth, and our organizing team will ensure that we can provide you with the best experience possible.

I remember being a scared debater in national selections 3 years ago, wondering how my MUN background can help me. Yet, I soon noticed, that I would have to relearn everything I knew about giving speeches. I remember iron-manning in international tournaments, gasping for every breath at national camp and busting my brains every debate tournament I attend. It is difficult, but the sense of accomplishment you feel when a round is over is impeccable. It is a rabbithole, it is my rabbithole, and I can't remember how long I've waited to present this competition to you. I hope to see you all on February 17-18th, 2024, and don't forget to give your best and make sure to learn something, regardless of the results.

Signing off (for now),
Yash Iyer
Chief Organizer

Chief Organizer

Letter from the Teacher Advisor

Teacher Advisor

Hello and a warm welcome to all esteemed guests, enthusiastic participants, and teachers across the country and the globe.

With great joy, I am here to address you as the faculty advisor for the annual Inter School Debate Competition of The International School Bangalore. I am privileged and humbled to assist you and the organising committee of the event in all capacities. I am eagerly looking forward to witness this rewarding and transformative journey that you are going to experience.

Building on the grand success of various events that TISB holds over the past decade, such as Xavage and TISBMUN, which provide students from across the country an opportunity to showcase their skills related to debating, problem-solving and critical thinking, we aim to introduce TISB Annual Inter School Debate Competition for the first time in the history of the school. The competition will be held online and is open for teams consisting of both middle and senior school students. The event is first of its kind and we are optimistic that we will be able to continue with the legacy of successful student-driven events held at TISB.

Scheduled on the 17th and 18th of February 2024, TISB Annual Inter School Debate will provide you a platform to come together to learn collaboratively and express your views on various issues that the world is being challenged with. Through thoughtful discussions, arguments, counterarguments, and an open mind to appreciate diverse perspectives, we would surely be preparing ourselves to regard global problems with a positive approach and come up with feasible solutions to the same.

As global citizens, we cannot ignore the challenges faced by any country. It is thus becoming crucial day-by-day for young minds to broaden their outlook, sharpen their thoughts and attempt to bring in massive changes in the society. I strongly feel that debating is the first step to open one's eyes into the reality to identify these challenges. Moreover, debating is an excellent way to practise quick thinking, be a good listener and hone your communication skills. I, thus, insist all participants to embrace this opportunity to learn, grow, and let your voices be heard.

Thank you, teachers across the globe, for incessantly encouraging your students to take up challenges, and guiding them towards their holistic development.

I assure you that the organising committee for the TISB Annual Inter School Debate competition is diligently working to provide the best experience, under the supervision of TISB staff. We eagerly anticipate hosting you and offering a debating experience that stands out!

Best regards,
Anubhab Chatterjee
Teacher Advisor - Inter School Debate Competition
Faculty of Economics


An oh-so-very important topic for any event. Large or Small. Public or Private. Online or In-Person.

When we first started on this event, we understood this. And yet, we were at a loss for where to go. Who were we supposed to talk to? How much were we supposed to ask for? How much would we even need?

In the initial stages, these questions loomed large. We understood the significance of securing sponsors, not only for financial support but also for their expertise, resources, and networks. However, the process seemed daunting, and we felt like we were navigating deep and stormy waters.

But with each step forward, we slowly developed an idea of how to handle this. As we pieced together the budget, the magnitude of the task ahead became apparent. Every rupee mattered, and every sponsor could make a significant difference in the success of our event.

Slowly but steadily, we began reaching out to potential sponsors, armed with a clear understanding of our needs and objectives.

As the puzzle of sponsorship started to come together, we realized the power of perseverance and strategic thinking. It wasn't just about securing funds; it was about building meaningful partnerships that would enrich our event and leave a lasting impact.

With each sponsorship secured, our confidence grew, and our vision became more tangible. We were no longer alone in our journey; we had partners who shared our passion and believed in our mission.

Looking back on those initial moments of uncertainty, we're grateful for the journey we've taken. The process of securing our amazing sponsors challenged us, tested our resolve, and ultimately strengthened our commitment to delivering an exceptional event.

We would absolutely love to take this opportunity to thank Nambiar Builders, Nudge, Indiqube, and Yourstory for helping us along this journey. Your immense contributions have helped so many debaters meet and compete without having to spend a single penny.